The Bengaluru school's Class 10 student sent a bomb threat in an attempt to postpone an exam on July 21 for which he was not prepared and feared failure.

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  • 2 years ago

A Class 10 boy was taken into custody on Tuesday for reportedly planting a bomb in the city school where he is enrolled in order to delay a test for which he was unprepared. According to the police who were involved in the inquiry, the student had an exam scheduled for July 21 and requested a postponement because he had not studied for it. He issued the threat to the National Hill View Public School through email out of worry that he would fail the test, but it was later discovered to be a fake following a comprehensive check of the school and its grounds on Monday.

A bomb had been hidden in the school, according to an email sent by an unknown sender that was discovered by management when the school began on Monday. The police were quickly called, and they arrived on the scene with a bomb squad and a dog squad. The pupils were swiftly brought outside of their classrooms as the school was quickly evacuated. All areas of the building were searched. Parents hurried to the school after hearing the report to make sure their children were secure. The school administration calmed the parents’ fears by informing them that the pupils and staff had been moved to another area of the school. Home Minister Araga Jnanendra said the police were on their job and will trace the whereabouts of the person who sent the mail.

Mayank Tewari


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