Student activists clash at Presidency University over poster defacement.

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  • 2 years ago

At Presidency University in this city, members of the Trinamool Congress Chhatra Parishad and left-aligned activists from the Students’ Federation of India and Independent Consolidation fought over vandalised posters of their group. According to a senior police official, students were convinced to resolve the conflict amicably.

SFI member Debnil Paul told PTI that the TMCP, which organised outsiders and attacked SFI members as they exited the campus compound on Thursday night, was to blame for the “fracas.” “There is no base of support for the TMCP in the presidency. Because they are frustrated, its members are starting problems. When two SFI members exited the College Street campus, they were attacked and two of our posters that had been placed near the gate had been taken down “Paul spoke. According to him, the injured activists needed to be hospitalised.

Similar accusations were made against the TMC student wing activists by members of the IC, an organisation that opposes the SFI on campus. Members of the TMCP seek to terrorise the Presidency. They assaulted two of our members while some of us objected against their disorderly behaviour, according to IC member Sayan, who goes by his first name. A TMCP leader refuted the accusations by claiming that SFI members had assaulted the group’s activists and vandalised one of their banners. “When our members protested the destruction of a poster that called for the success of a rally, SFI guys beat them up. A photograph of CM Mamata Banerjee was destroyed. There shouldn’t be any other student body on campus, according to SFI and IC.

This is undemocratic,” he added.

According to a representative of Presidency University, the school desires tranquilly on campus. He declared, “We don’t want any pupil to suffer injury.” However, the official would not clarify whether any of the students had to be brought to a hospital as a result of the altercations. There was a police car parked outside the campus. When questioned, the senior police officer added that he was unaware of any students being brought to a hospital. “Under the current conditions, the police cannot step in unless requested to do so by university administration. We are monitoring the situation, though, he continued.

Mayank Tewari


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