JMI students stage a stir against the university over the cancellation of activist Safoora Zargar's admission.

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  • 2 years ago

Students from Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) demonstrated against the university administration on Tuesday in response to Safoora Zargar’s enrollment being denied. Zargar was at the forefront of multiple protests, and the students claimed that Zargar was being singled out by the university administration. In connection with the riots in northeast Delhi in 2020, Zargar was taken into custody. The university’s Department of Sociology revoked her admittance due to “unsatisfactory” progress on her thesis.

In the combined MPhil/PhD programme, Zargar joined the Department of Sociology in 2019. The demonstration was joined by Zargar and a number of student organisations, including the Campus Front of India, the Fraternity Movement, and the Students Islamic Organization of India (SIO). Down with the Jamia administration and down with (Vice Chancellor) Najma Akhtar were among the student protestors’ catchphrases. “There is no justification for not granting Zargar a longer deadline. She is being specifically targeted by the institution, which is preventing her from submitting. It is stating, very arbitrarily, that her progress is not adequate “Rameses E. K., national secretary of the SIO.

The MPhil dissertation for Zargar was not turned in within the maximum allowed time of five semesters, according to a notification from the dean’s office of the Faculty of Social Science dated August 26. Her dismissal was allegedly based on a recommendation submitted by the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) on July 5th, according to the dean’s office. The Board of Studies for the department gave its approval to the topic on August 22.

Mayank Tewari


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