IIT Madras retained its top spot in the "overall" category for the fourth consecutive year and in the "engineering" category for the seventh consecutive year.

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The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) director dedicated the honour to students and employees on Friday and appreciated the frontline staff for their contributions during the COVID-19 mandated lockdown. IIT-M has retained the top rank among institutes for the fourth year in a row.

According to the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) rankings released by the ministry of education, the best technical institute took first place. “I dedicate this accomplishment to all of my institute’s students, employees, and teachers. We appreciate the Government of India’s Ministry of Education’s ongoing support and encouragement “V Kamakoti, the institute’s director, stated in a news statement.

“Thanks in particular to all the frontline staff members who kept the institute running during the difficult times. The NIRF procedure provides thorough feedback on our strengths and deficiencies. While utilising our strengths as we move forward, we will also address our flaws “he declared. According to the press release, IIT Madras maintained its top ranking in the “overall” category for the fourth consecutive year and in the “engineering” category for the seventh consecutive year.

Mayank Tewari


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