IIT Kharagpur has restructured the Dean of Students' Affairs Council.

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  • 2 years ago

It has been several months since the body of a student was located on the grounds of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, which sparked a great deal of uproar, and as a result, the institute has restructured the council of the Dean of Students’ Affairs with a focus on providing greater care for the students, according to an official who spoke on Wednesday.

The reformed council has a single task force dedicated to addressing issues of harassment among students residing in hostels, according to the official. Four additional groups have been established to look after students’ overall wellbeing, participation in extracurricular activities, improved collaboration between the dean of students and faculty for handling any arising issues, and a final one to handle legal perspectives.

The remains of Faizan Ahmed, a third-year student, were discovered in his dormitory in the middle of October. His family and some students have suggested that the death was suspicious, while the spokesperson for IIT Kharagpur has stated that the university is carrying out its own probe and aiding the police in their investigation.

Bhargava Maitra, the newly appointed dean of students at the Institute, declared to PTI that he is always available to help students if they come to him with any issues. IIT Kharagpur Registrar Prof Tamal Nath mentioned that the formation of a council of deans of students is an ongoing process and is the responsibility of the dean of students.

At the conclusion of the council, it must be restructured. The dean has the authority to decide how to proceed with the reconstitution. The newly constituted council of the dean of students’ affairs will have 20 members, an increase from the 10 it had before.

A six-person team has been put together to tackle student harassment in dormitories. In addition, the group will be addressing depression in pupils, especially during and after the pandemic. The Calcutta High Court will be revisiting Faizan’s case in February.

Mayank Tewari


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