IIT Delhi proposes a non-invasive, time-efficient, patient-friendly diagnostic tool for epilepsy.

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  • 2 years ago

Researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, under the direction of Professor Lalan Kumar, have developed a non-invasive Brain Source Localization (BSL) framework for epileptic focal detection that is quick and patient-friendly. The array processing algorithms can point out the coordinates in a matter of minutes given EEG data associated with seizures. The researchers have specifically suggested brand-new head harmonics-based seizure localization techniques.

As a significant component of her PhD research, Dr Amita Giri, a Prime Minister’s Research Fellow (PMRF) in the Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Delhi, created the innovative epileptic region identification approach. Prof. Tapan K. Gandhi, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Delhi, and Dr Nilesh Kurwale, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Center, Pune, Maharashtra, India, are the other members of the research team.

On the basis of clinical EEG data for epileptogenic zone localization, the researchers from IIT Delhi have validated the proposed source localization algorithms. The suggested architecture provides clinicians with an efficient method for quickly and automatically localising seizures.

Millions of people worldwide suffer from epilepsy, the fourth most common neurological illness in the world. Seizures, which are brief bursts of uncontrollable body movement (partial or whole), can be accompanied by loss of consciousness and loss of control over bowel or bladder function. This is generally caused by incorrectly excessive electrical discharges. Many epilepsies can be controlled by medication, but when medication is unable to do so, the condition is known as drug-resistant epilepsy, according to an official statement from IIT Delhi.

We suggested using head harmonics and spherical harmonics as the foundation functions for seizure localization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at non-invasive, quick seizure localization, according to Prof. Lalan Kumar of the Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Delhi. In light of the patients’ comfort, he continued, “It is a breakthrough.”

Mayank Tewari


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