DU mulls introducing internal assessment in distance learning programmes.

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  • 2 years ago

According to Delhi University, the internal assessment will be made available in distance learning programmes starting with the current academic year.

The internal assessment was previously solely applicable to regular programmes; the School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education was not included. According to the agenda of the meeting that PTI was able to access, a resolution in this regard is scheduled to be presented during the upcoming Executive Council meeting on Thursday. The Executive Council is the university’s highest governing body. The agenda stated that the adoption of continuous evaluation (internal assessment) is a requirement of the Distance Education Bureau, and University Grant Commission (University Grant Commission) in the programmes being delivered through Open and Distance Learning Mode.

According to the university, all programmes offered by the School of Open Learning (SOL), Distance and Continuing Education, and Campus of Open Learning starting in the academic session 2022–23 must use the internal Assessment scheme because DEB–UGC deemed it essential. The agenda stated, “Mutatis mutandis, to the extent of internal evaluation as given down in this Ordinance, subject, the specific ordinances pertaining to schemes of examinations of various courses shall stand altered.”

Mayank Tewari


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