60% of newly recruited Punjab Police constables are graduates.

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  • 2 years ago

In the most recent Punjab Police recruitment campaign, more than 60% of the constables hired are graduates or post-graduates. On Tuesday, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann distributed appointment letters to 4,358 newly hired constables. He expressed his joy at learning that young people with excellent academic credentials had been hired for this difficult position. An official statement from the CM stated that out of the 4,358 applicants, 103 are postgraduates, 2,607 are graduates, and 1,648 are senior secondary graduates.

Speaking to a group in this location, Mann stated that 816 constables are between the ages of 26 and 30 and 2,930 constables are between those ages. Mann emphasised that it is a subject of great pride and satisfaction that all the recruits are highly prepared and well-equipped with academic and technological skills, urging the newly hired constables to refresh their knowledge to eliminate crime and criminals.

In the age of technology growth, he claimed, “This qualification can be very beneficial in dealing with crime and criminals.” He claimed that although women were to be given preference for 33 per cent of the listed positions, more women than expected were chosen. He claimed that this was a result of their propensity for progress, as well as their abilities and powers, and he urged them to offer their services to the public honestly.

According to the chief minister, the Aam Aadmi Party government appointed 17,313 young people in the state to government positions in just five months after taking office. The CM claimed that the state government carried out the entire hiring process in an open and impartial manner. He said that the only selection criterion used in this recruitment effort was merit. The chief minister added that recruiting would soon begin for 5,739 additional open positions in the police department. Mann continued by saying that while criminals are coming up with new ways to commit crimes, police officers must likewise keep up with the latest strategies for effectively combating crime and criminals.

Mann emphasised the state government’s dedication to protecting the welfare of the women by providing them with a high-quality education. According to Mann, working for the police is more than just a job—it’s a calling to serve the country. He expressed optimism that the new recruits would preserve the illustrious record of service to the nation that the Punjab Police has demonstrated, even under the most trying circumstances. The CM urged the new recruits to use their skills in providing justice to those in need in a fair and transparent manner by touching a sensitive nerve with them.

He continued by saying that the police must provide their services honestly and with the highest professionalism so that people do not encounter any issues and feel comfortable. Mann expressed the expectation that freshly hired police officers would tirelessly endeavour to uphold law and order in the state.

Mayank Tewari


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