The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has indicated that the results of the CA November 2022 exams for the Final and Intermediate programmes may be declared on January 10, 2023. The exams were conducted between November 1 to 17, 2022 in a physical (offline) mode. The results will be available to view online on, and can be downloaded with the CA registration number/PIN number and date of birth.
To access the ICAI CA Intermediate and Final result 2022, candidates will have to follow the steps mentioned below.
In addition, applicants will get their CA outcome through their signed up e-mail addresses. The CA Final scorecards will be distributed to the students shortly after the announcement of the results. To receive the CA end result 2022 by means of SMS, applicants must type the message ‘CAIPCNEW’ along with the six-digit CA Intermediate registration number and forward it to 58888.
The CA Foundation examinations were held from December 14th to the 20th of 2022 in an offline format. The organization is expected to share the scores of the CA Foundation tests at the end of January 2023.