Municipal school teachers are to teach only one subject and follow a monthly plan as per the new system. MCD

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  • 2 years ago

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has decided to establish a period system in which one teacher would teach only one subject in different classes, authorities said on Friday, replacing its previous system in which one instructor used to take numerous courses in a class.

Additionally, they stated that all municipal schools shall carry out their teaching duties in accordance with a standard monthly lesson plan. In a statement, it claimed that the education department of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi had introduced the period system in its schools. According to a senior official, teachers used to teach various courses in a single class in the past. He added that the order for the “new system” was issued on Friday. However, under the “new system,” one teacher, for example, math, would only take Math classes, in a staggered schedule, across multiple classes. Now, there won’t be any disruption to a student’s education if they transfer from one municipal school to another, the MCD

Separate classes will also be organised for “weak students” in order to raise their learning level, according to the statement. The new technology would allow teachers to independently add activities to enhance the teaching-learning process. Additionally, Wednesdays have been set aside for planning extracurricular activities in classrooms, and it continued. Teachers who will oversee its implementation in the schools have been chosen as mentors to ensure the program’s seamless implementation.

Mayank Tewari


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