The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has organized the first series of mock tests for the CA Final and Inter students who will be sitting the May 2023 exams. Those interested in the mock tests can register at and the tests will be conducted in physical and virtual modes. If you are taking the physical version of the tests, contact your regional council or branch for more information. The CA mock tests will take place from March 13 to March 21, 2023 at 2-5pm.
Date | CA Final Exam | CA Inter Exam |
March 13 | Final Paper-1: FinancialReporting | Intermediate Paper-1: Accounting |
March 14 | Final Paper-2: Strategic Financial Management | Intermediate Paper-2: Corporate and OtherLaws |
March 15 | Final Paper-3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics | Intermediate Paper-3: Cost and Management Accounting |
March 16 | Final Paper-4: Corporate andEconomic Laws | Intermediate Paper-4: Taxation |
March 17 | Final Paper-5: Strategic CostManagement and Performance Evaluation | Intermediate Paper-5: Advanced Accounting |
March 18 | Final Paper-7: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation | Intermediate Paper-6: Auditing and Assurance |
March 20 | Final Paper-8: Indirect TaxLaws | Intermediate Paper-7:Enterprise InformationSystems and StrategicManagement |
March 21 | Intermediate Paper-8:Financial Management andEconomics for Finance |
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) stated that question papers for each subject will be available on the BoS Knowledge Portal on as per the designated schedule, beginning at 1:30 pm every day. Students are encouraged to download and complete the papers within the specified time limit. Furthermore, ICAI mentioned that the answer keys for the papers will be uploaded within 48 hours after the start of the corresponding paper as per the given timetable.