Learn the subject-specific syllabus for the NEET 2023 Exam Date.

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The NTA declared the date of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Undergraduate, NEET-UG 2023, set to take place on May 7, 2023. The exam will assess candidates on Physics, Chemistry and Biology topics from class 11 and 12. In order to do well in the exam, participants should be well-versed in the NEET UG syllabus. For further details on the subject-wise syllabus for NEET 2023, please read on.

NEET Physics syllabus 2023

Class 11Class 12
Physical world and measurementElectrostatics
KinematicsCurrent Electricity
Laws of MotionMagnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy and PowerElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyElectromagnetic Waves
Properties of Bulk MatterDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
ThermodynamicsAtoms and Nuclei
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic TheoryElectronic Devices
Oscillations and Waves

NEET syllabus 2023 Chemistry

Class 11Class 12
Some Basic Concepts of ChemistrySolid State
Structure of AtomSolutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesElectrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureChemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Gases and LiquidsSurface Chemistry
ThermodynamicsGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Equilibriump-Block Elements
Redox Reactionsd and f Block Elements
HydrogenCoordination Compounds
s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Some p-Block ElementsAlcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesAldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
HydrocarbonsOrganic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Environmental ChemistryBiomolecules
Chemistry in Everyday Life

NEET Biology syllabus 2023

Class 11Class 12
Diversity in Living WorldReproduction
Structural Organization in Animals and PlantsGenetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and FunctionBiology and Human Welfare
Plant PhysiologyBiotechnology and Its Applications
Human PhysiologyEcology and Environment

NEET UG 2023 registration update

The governing body will soon reveal the NEET UG 2023 registration date. Individuals will be able to formally apply for NEET 2023 on neet.nta.nic.in. To guarantee a seamless sign up process for NEET 2023, it is recommended that applicants have an active phone number and email address at hand.



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