JMI invites applications for admission to fill vacant seats in MTech, MA, and PG Diploma courses.

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  • 2 years ago

A new chance has been made available by Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) for those who registered for postgraduate programmes but were not admitted despite receiving the required GPA. JMI has urged those applicants to exercise their choice before September 30, 2022, using the applicant’s login at

The Jamia Millia Islamia reported that although some applicants for admission to its various academic programmes received the necessary scores on the admissions test for the programme for which they applied, they were not chosen for admission. The JMI has made the decision to admit candidates to programmes where there are open seats after taking the situation into account. Candidates will be given admission if they meet the program’s eligibility requirements and are willing to enrol.

A list of the 19 programmes of Jamia Millia Islamia that have open seats was also made public by the university.

1.M-74MTech Computational Mathematics
2.M-72MA Comparative Religions
3.M-70MSc Disaster Management
4.M-50MTech Nano Technology
5.M-47MTech Control & Instrumentation System
6.M-37MEd Special Education(LD/Vi)
7.M-32MSc Electronics
8.M-03MA Persian
9.M-69MA Sanskrit
10.G-14PG Diploma in Disaster Management
11.G-15PG Diploma in Molecular Diagnostics
12.G-11PG Diplomas in Labour Law/Space Law
13.G-17P.G.Diploma in English-Hindi Translation
14.G-04PGDiploma in Iranology
15G-16PG Diploma in Translational Studies
16G-08PG Diploma in Broadcast Technology
17G-10PG Diploma in Acting
18G-03PG Diploma in Urdu Mass Media
19D-21Diploma in Unani Pharmacy

Mayank Tewari


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