IIT Roorkee hosts an international conference on hydro and renewable energy

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  • 1 month ago

On October 17 and 18, the IIT Roorkee campus will play host to the two-day International Conference on Hydro and Renewable Energy (ICHRE 2022), organized by the department of hydro and renewable energy (HRED) and IIT Roorkee.

International and domestic industry professionals will be able to explore approaches to develop net-zero carbon energy systems at the conference. The conference’s focus is in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pledge to achieve net zero carbon energy systems in India by 2070, which he made during the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. There will be five technical sessions covering a range of subjects, including the role of hydro energy and pumped storage hydro in the decarbonization of the power sector, advancements in current and upcoming renewable energy technologies, grid integration challenges and opportunities, the role of distributed energy resources in net-zero carbon energy systems, policies and regulations for achieving net zero carbon goals, and negative emission technologies.

All the topics chosen for the conference have been selected to cover all aspects of energy systems.

Vahan Gevorgian, the chief engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the United States, and Reji Kumar Pillai, the president of the India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), gave the opening keynote remarks on the first day of the conference. The keynote talks for day 2 will be given by SR Narasimhan, chairman and managing director of Power System Operation Corporation Limited (POSOCO), and Rangan Banerjee, director of IIT Delhi. Two-panel discussions have been scheduled for each of the conference’s two days. A panel discussion on “technologies for reaching net-zero carbon energy systems” will take place on the first day of the conference. A panel discussion on “strategies for reaching net-zero carbon energy systems” is scheduled by the Institute on day 2. Arun Kumar, HRED, will serve as the moderator for both panels.

IIT Roorkee’s Officiating Director, M. L. Sharma, said during the opening session: “The Institute is honoured to host such international conferences. ‘Net zero carbon energy systems are essential to combating climate change, whose effects are becoming increasingly obvious on a global scale. I have no doubt that this conference will result in research relationships, collaborations, and outputs that will accelerate the creation of new hydro and renewable energy technology.



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