ICMAI CMA result 2022 is likely by next week at icmai.in

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  • 1 month ago

According to the institute’s helpdesk, the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) may release the CMA Intermediate and CMA Final results 2022 by the end of next week. The ICMAI’s official website, icmai.in, will provide the CMA Final and Intermediate results. The CMA results for the final and intermediate programmes will be announced in June 2022, although no official notice has yet been made. The institute previously made the CMA Foundation June 2022 outcome public on August 5. On July 8, 2022, foundation examinations were given.

The results for the CMA Intermediate and Final programmes have been pending for a while. From June 27 to July 4 in an online, centre-based format, the institute administered CMA tests for the Final and Intermediate levels. However, due to technical issues, the exams were postponed and cancelled in certain centres. All centres that had their tests entirely or partially cancelled had their rescheduled CMA exams administered online from July 31 to August 7, 2022.

Several kids are currently protesting online over the delay. “We haven’t received any update on #cmaresults as of now, we are going to finish 3 months from the date of completion of July attempt exam,” one user stated on Twitter.

For CMA programmes, some students are also calling for the return of the offline exam format in order to minimise technical difficulties with the online exams and delays in result announcement. A user who was sceptical of the CMA exam’s online format stated, “If results are taking longer than offline exams, then what is the point of taking online exams?”

In India, the CMA exams are given twice a year. The first session’s CMA result announcement being delayed can also have an impact on the December agenda. Other financial programmes’ results, including those for Chartered Accountancy (CA) and Company Secretary (CS), have previously been made public in accordance with schedules. On July 16, 2022, the CA results were released, and on August 25, 2022, the CS Executive and Professional results.



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