Haryana BTech 2022 round 2 seat allotment announced at hstes.org.in

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Today, October 4, the Haryana BTech 2022 seat allocation results for round 2 were made public by the Haryana State Technical Education Society (HSTES). Candidates can access hstes.org.in online to view the Haryana BTech round 2 seat allocation result for 2022.

To view the Haryana BTech seat allocation round 2 results, candidates must visit the official website and pick the course, counselling number, and institution. The seat allotment letter must be downloaded by candidates assigned seats under HSTES BTech seat allocation round 2. To get the seat allotment letter, candidates must log in to the candidate portal with their user ID and password. To complete the admissions procedure, the Haryana BTech 2022 seat allotment letter and the required paperwork must be brought to the designated institute. Find out here how to view the Haryana BTech round 2 seat allocation.

How to check Haryana BTech 2022 seat allotment?

Candidates have to follow the below steps for Haryana BTech round 2 seat allotment:

  • Visit the official website – hstes.org.in
  • Click on the seat allotment result list link.
  • Select the select course, counselling number and institute to check the result.
  • The seat allotment result will be displayed on the screen.

Results for the Haryana BTech 2022 seat allocation are created by the authorities based on JEE Main scores, candidate preferences, and seat availability. Candidates must be at the designated institute on the date specified in the provisional seat assignment letter to be considered for admission on the designated seat, along with the necessary documentation (documents, certifications, testimonials, photograph, and password). To confirm their enrollment, the candidate must pay one semester’s tuition at the designated institute.



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