Guidelines for filling out the West Bengal JEE 2023 application have been published, with the registration date to be announced shortly.

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The WBJEEB has published the essential guidelines for completing the WBJEE 2023 application form. Aspiring candidates for the West Bengal JEE 2023 exam will soon be able to apply online on the website The date for the WBJEE form fill up 2023 is expected to be declared shortly.

The WBJEEB has given out explicit directions for the WBJEE 2023 registration form and also a list of West Bengal JEE exam zones. As they fill out the application form, aspirants must choose their desired exam centre. It is essential that they are attentive when entering their chosen centre as any requests for a shift in the WBJEE 2023 centre will not be taken into account.

West Bengal JEE: Instructions to fill WBJEE 2023 application form

  • WBJEE application for the examination must be done online only. No printed application form is available.
  • Since all future communications by the Board will be sent to the registered mobile number and email ID, It is essential to have a valid mobile number and a unique valid email ID.
  • Once the registration details i.e., name, father’s name, mother’s name, gender, domicile and date of birth are entered and submitted in the application form of WBJEE 2023, this information cannot be changed/modified/edited under any circumstances.
  • Upload scanned copy of photograph and signature as per the instructions provided in the WBJEE 2023 brochure.
  • The WBJEE 2023 registration fees can be paid by Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card/ UPI only.

The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) will administer the WBJEE 2023 exam in a traditional pen-and-paper format at designated sites in multiple locations within West Bengal and some other areas. The scheduled date for the WBJEE 2023 is April 30.



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