DU UG Admission 2022: Students must accept seat allocation to be considered for the next rounds

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  • 1 month ago

At 4:59 PM today, October 21, 2022, the University of Delhi will close the facility to accept the assigned seats. In order to be considered for subsequent rounds of DU UG admissions in 2022, candidates who have been assigned a course and college according to the initial list of seat allocations must accept it.

The DU’s first merit list included the names of 80,164 applicants for admission to various undergraduate programmes at DU in 2022. 60,863 of the applicants have thus far been accepted. Applications for 39,526 individuals in total are being processed. Monami Basu, an assistant professor at DU, urged all applicants to accept the allocation on Facebook in order to be eligible for the DU 2nd merit list. Candidates who are unhappy with the course and college they were assigned in the DU initial merit list will receive an optional upgrade in a short while. Students must accept their seat from the first merit list and submit payment before the cutoff date in order to be eligible to use the facility.

From October 19 to October 22, the DU colleges will have the ability to review and approve online applications. The first round of DU CSAS allocation’s online entrance fee payment deadline is October 24. More than 1.5 lakh applicants indicated their college and degree interests up until the deadline for Phase II last week, according to information provided by the university. According to the DU admission 2022 calendar, the number of open seats will be displayed on October 25, 2022, at 5 PM. From October 25 to October 27, students can change their higher preference selection. After then, on October 30, 2022, at 5 PM, the university will release the DU 2nd allocation list.

If you receive an upgrade, “your fees will be automatically transferred to the upgraded college,” the DU assistant professor stated. Many students refuse because they believe they will be forced to take the course they were given. No, you won’t, but if you refuse, you’re completely out of the running, she wrote in a Facebook post. Vikas Gupta, the Registrar of DU, however, told the Hindustan Times: “Approximately 50% of admissions are currently being processed. We won’t know for sure until after the first round of allocation in campus colleges, but the chances of a second round are virtually nonexistent.”



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