Delhi University cancels appointment of Bharati College principal

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  • 1 month ago

Following complaints from the college’s governing body that the University Grants Commission (UGC) norms were broken during the selection process, Delhi University (DU) has annulled the appointment of Bharati College’s principal. Daya Nath Jha, the governing board chairman, had written to the DU asking for the appointment to be revoked because the university’s top committee had not chosen the candidate based only on merit.

On August 10, an interview was held for the position of permanent principal at Bharati College. Three names were submitted by the governing body, and they were listed in order of preference. The governing body claimed that the DU’s apex committee suggested the third candidate on the panel for an appointment while ignoring the first two candidates. The appointment of the principal at Bharati College is being rescinded, according to a notification sent to Jha on September 11 by the assistant registrar (colleges) of the DU.

The letter dated August 22, 2022, issued in connection with the appointment of the principal “stands withdrawn,” the circular stated, and as a result, the selection process “stands quashed.” In light of the foregoing, I have also been instructed to take the immediately necessary steps to re-post the position of principal of your college in accordance with the proviso of Ordinance XVIII, Clause 7 of the university, after taking into account the qualifications or eligibility criteria envisaged under Ordinance XXIV of the university conveyed to the colleges or institutions of the university.



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