Chhattisgarh: Insurance scheme for students to be implemented by HNLU Raipur

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  • 2 years ago

An official announced on Saturday that the Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) Raipur in Chhattisgarh had developed an insurance programme for its undergraduate and graduate students under which each will receive a cover of Rs 1 lakh. According to Vice-Chancellor Professor V.C. Vivekanandan, the HNLU has launched an insurance program for its undergraduate and graduate students. A contract has been awarded to National Insurance Company through a competitive bidding process.

“The insurance provider would give each student a cover of Rs 1 lakh as part of this effort. The programme would provide cashless healthcare services together with consultation fees and diagnostic procedures. All illnesses, including COVID-19 and its variations, would be covered “VC said. He said that there are no additional fees for the programme for students.

Mayank Tewari


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