A protest convention organised by AIDSO against the closing of 13,800 government schools in Karnataka.

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  • 2 years ago

In support of “Save Public Education Day,” the All India Democratic Students Organization (AIDSO) organized a protest convention against the Karnataka state government’s proposal to close 13,800 government schools. According to a statement from AIDSO, students are encouraged that government schools are their right and that if the government tries to close the school, they will escalate the resistance. The UVCE Alumni Association Hall, KR Circle, was the location of the protest conference.

According to AIDSO, the protesting students used slogans like “rescue government schools” and “We don’t allow the shutdown of government schools.” “India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic country, according to our constitution. NEP, however, suggests that the entire educational system be created in accordance with the ethos and traditions of old India. That refers to the system that has prevented the majority of people from attending school. Such lessons must not be imparted to our pupils “Niranjanaradhya, an educational expert, addressed the protesting students. “The administration is now planning to close government schools under the NEP, and we should reject this outright,” he continued.

“On the occasion of the death anniversary of great secular humanist Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, students across the state have taken up the movement with the determination to save government educational institutions under the leadership of AIDSO, which is the need of the hour,” said VN Rajashekhar, all-India president of AIDSO. He charged that the BJP-led administration had created educational regulations in line with Sangh Parivar’s principles. He asserts that the National Education Policy – 2020 was put into place with the goal of eliminating democracy, secularism, the principles of great thinkers, and the scientific spirit in education. According to this programme, the administration is currently preparing to close 13,800 government schools in the state.

It is strongly condemned. The government is planning to demolish schools rather than expanding financing for public educational institutions, creating essential infrastructure, hiring qualified teachers, and promoting education! No public school will be allowed to close in the state, not one. If there is a move to close the school, our fight will get more intense.

Rajashekhar added that Delhi’s students and residents had contributed thousands of signatures to the Save Public Education campaign’s ongoing signature drive. He added that the group would eventually organise a powerful campaign against the government’s anti-poverty, anti-student, and anti-educational policies.

Mayank Tewari


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